1813 TO 1818
Carulus August Pacalt was born on 7 October 1772 in Kralovè Hradec in Bohemia. Pacalt arrived in Hoogekraal in April 1813 and began working among the vanishing tribe of Outeniquas. Pacalt worked for five an a half years with the tribe till his untimely death at an early age of 46 years after a short illness. He was burried in the Missionares Acre in Pacaltsdorp.
1819 - 1822
Johan Georg Messer is in 1773 in Hesse, Duitsland gebore. In Maart 1819 arriveer Messer in Pacaltsdorp waar hy vir 3 jaar werksaam was. Messer verlaat Pacaltsdorp in 1822 Gamtoosvallei. Eerw. Messer sterf op 7 Junie 1845 en word in Uitenhage begrawe.
1822 to 1848
William Anderson was born on 1 December 1769 in London, England. The Anderson family arrived in Pacaltsdorp on 17 January 1822. Rev Anderson served the Pacaltsdorp community for 30 years and he died on 24 September 1852
1848 - 1882
Theophilus Atkinson was op 25 Oktober 1804 in Ipswich, England gebore. Die Atkinson familie kom op 15 November 1848 in Pacaltsdorp aan, waar Eerwaarde Atkinson by Eerw. William Anderson oor neem. Eerw Atkinson tree amptelik uit bediening in Januarie 1882 en sterwe op 15 Februarie 1890 ouderdom 85.
1879 TO 1922
George Beattie Anderson was born on 7 Julie 1853 in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. He arrived in Pacaltsdorp on 24 July 1879 and started his ministry among the people of Pacaltsdorp. He also reopened the school after it was forced to close in 1865 due to a lack of funds. Rev Anderson died on 21 April 1923.
1923 TO 1957
John Brown Anderson, seun van Eerw GB Anderson word op 17 November 1884 in Pacaltsdorp gebore. Hy begin in 1903 klas gee by die kerkskool en 1923 neem hy oor as predikant. Desember 1943 tree Eerw JB Anderson uit as onderwyser na 40 jaar diens. Hy sterf op 3 Junie 1957.
1963 TO 1986
Frederick Ernest McMaster was born on 16 August 1909 in Grahamstown, South Africa. He started his service in Pacaltsdorp in February 1963 and ended it officially in May 1986. He agreed to by in service until a new minister was appointed. His last service was Saturday 18 July 1987 as Rev McMaster passed away 2 days later on 20 July 1987.
1987 TO 1999
Roland Creswell Conley is in Port Elizabeth gebore. Sy bediening begin 1 Mei 1987 en eindig 12 jaar later op in Desember 2011.
2002 TO 2011
Christopher Saaiman was op 30 July 1973 in Prieska, Noordkaap in Suid Afrika gebore. Eerw. Saaiman het sy matriek aan Pacaltsdorp Hoërskool voltooi in het ook sy diens Julie 2002 aan Pacaltsdorp UCC begin en dit eindig Desember 2011.
Gerhard Human was born on 24 October 1959 in Willowmore, Easter Cape. The Human family came to Pacaltsdorp on the dawn of the congregation's 200th birthday in 2013. Rev Human is currently still the shepherd of the Pacaltsdorp UCC flock.