A group of 15 men attended the first of several future sessions, regarding the roles and responsibilities of men in the Church, community and home. Men's convener, Br. Mervyn November opened the session by welcoming all men present and introduced Pastor Clifford Spies.
Pastor Spies read: 1 Kings 2 verse 2 & 3:" I am about to die. Be strong and become a man! Do the job the Lord your God has assigned you by following his instructions and obeying His rules, commandments, regulations and Laws as written in the Law of Moses"
Pastor Spies gaan voort en noem dat die gemeenskappe tans so lyk agv die afwesigheid van mans. Ook dat die waarde systeem daal a.g.v. swak mans. "Om man te wees is dieper as jou kwalifikasie, status, inkomste en of jou beroep" Al is jy dan ook 'n man sonder kwalifikasie kan jy nog steeds ander help en bemagtig. " Moenie neersien op iemand nie maar deur saam aan 'n doel te werk sal baie vermag kan word."
Interesting quotes he also shared are as follows:
"Successful people tends to share their success stories and never their failures and mistakes"
"Winners never quit and quitters never win".
"om te wees moet jy word"
Pastor Spies continued that there are fundamental things a father MUST do and that is:
1- Teach your children to pray
2- If you are broken ask the Lord to heal you
3- Children like to hold grudges but adult men find ways to solve their differences.
Then there is one thing that a man should never do: "Never turn your back on yourself"
LOVE neighbour
Ter afsluiting is 1 Korintiërs 12 vers 12 aan die manne gegee
en Philipense 2 vers 3 & 4